Support Our Ministry

Lives Are Changed

The mission of OSMM is to bring people closer to Christ and we have held monthly events to serve retreatants in that mission for over 25 years.

Countless lives have been blessed by Our Lady’s intercession and the guidance and healing received from the many retreat masters who have joined us.

We continue to provide a place of love and mercy to all who come here and hope to encourage reconciliation and unity for their lives and with God.

Please give now to help us to continue this mission.

Remember, all donations are tax-deductible. May God Bless your Generosity.

Give the Gift of Prayer

Present your intentions to Our Sorrowful Mother by offering a candle next to her statue in one of our chapels. For your donation, a candle will be burned in her presence as a visible sign of your prayer intention.

Suggested Donation:
Five days, Stabat Mater Dolorosa Chapel: $10

Two days, Stabat Mater Dolorosa Chapel: $4

Six days, Fr. Peter Rookey Chapel: $10

Six days, Mary, Reconciler of All Peoples & Nations Chapel: $10

Memorial Hearts

You can donate a heart and it will be hand painted with the name of your loved one. Join your prayers with all who pray here with your memorial heart. The hearts are located in the Stabat Mater Dolorosa Chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is reposed.

Suggested Donation: $500

Mass Card for 5000 Masses

The family of Servant of God Maria Esperanza are associated with the priests of the Missions of the Friars Minor Capuchin in Venezuela. Your Mass intentions will participate in the 500 daily Masses and the 5000 Masses that are held every year for the benefactors of their missions.

Suggested Donation: $500

Shrine of Holy Innocents

A plaque may be donated in memory of a child lost through miscarriage, abortion or death.

The Shrine is on the West Wall of Bethany House adjoining a beautiful small reflecting pool.

Suggested Donation: $500

All Donations are Tax-Deductible

Our Sorrowful Mother’s Ministry (OSMM) is organized as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code. All charitable contributions to OSMM will receive written acknowledgment.

As you consider your charitable contributions for the year, please keep in mind that Our Sorrowful Mother’s Ministry (OSMM) is organized as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code. Public charities are unique in that some taxpayers may qualify to make a “tax-free” Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly from their IRA to the public charity of their choice. Therefore, if you are currently taking a required minimum distributions (RMD) from your IRA and would like to make a charitable contribution to OSMM please consider this option carefully. It is important to note that QCDs have very specific requirements not addressed here and OSMM is not able or qualified to provide tax or legal advice. So please, consult with your CPA or a qualified tax professional as to whether you qualify to make a QCD, and if this is an appropriate planning technique for you and your family.

Shop Our Store

Explore our extensive collection of spiritual aids, books and other sacramentals for yourself, family and friends.

Sacramentals and Statues


St. Benedict and other Selected Sacramentals