“Do You Want to Be Healed?”

Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother 318 N. 8th Street, Vandalia, IL, United States

Fr. Jerry Byrd Archdiocese of Indianapolis Retreat Master As Jesus approached the pool of Bethesda, he saw a man who had been ill for 38 years.         […]


The Hidden Mystery of Our Guardian Angels

Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother 318 N. 8th Street, Vandalia, IL, United States

Msgr. C. Eugene Morris Retreat Master How often do we utilize our guardian angels?  Maybe a quick prayer or thought on occasion or maybe we pray more often. In any […]


The Power and Protection of the Seven Swords of St. Michael

Fr. Giacomo Capoverdi will be our retreat leader for this event. The seven swords represent the virtues of humility, prudence, patience, justice, charity, temperance, and fortitude. Learn how these virtues […]


Inner Healing Part 2: Forgiveness

Fr. Josh Stengel, Exorcist for the Doloran Fathers will lead this retreat. The Traditional Latin Mass will be celebrated each day. Healing of our memories is an integral part of […]


Inner Healing Part 3: Healing of Memories

Fr. Josh Stengel,  Exorcist for the Doloran Fathers will lead this retreat.  The Traditional Latin Mass will be celebrated each day. Healing of our memories is an integral part of our spiritual growth.  Unforgiven hurts and wounds can keep us from growing in virtue and achieving holiness. Learn how to leave behind the past and […]
