Discernment of Spirits

Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother 318 N. 8th Street, Vandalia, IL, United States

Fr. Daniel McElheron, Doloran Fathers Traditional Latin Mass Fr. McElheron is a priest of the Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother with Fr. Chad Ripperger. He has worked with Fr. Ripperger for several years in the area of deliverance and exorcism. How do we discern the spirits that are effecting us? Are we being influenced […]


Healing of Memories & Forgiveness

Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother 318 N. 8th Street, Vandalia, IL, United States

Fr. Ian Van Huesen and Fr. Karl Millis, SMD Traditional Latin Mass Tentative Agenda


Shroud of Turin Display at Mother of Dolors Parish Center

Mother of Dolors Parish Center 705 W. St. Clair, Vandalia, IL, United States

Man of the Shroud Touring Exhibit from the National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe Exhibit held at Mother of Dolors Parish Center 705 W. St. Clair, Vandalia, IL You are invited to come and see the Shroud Display featuring a replica of the burial cloth of Jesus and Informational Display Boards. Much physical and scientific […]

Devotion to the Holy Face

Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother 318 N. 8th Street, Vandalia, IL, United States

Fr. Lawrence Carney Fr. Carney from the Diocese of Wichita is a leading expert on the Devotion to the Holy Face.  He has a great devotion to the Holy Face and has written a book, Secrets of the Holy Face which will be available at the retreat along with other books he has authored. In […]


Three Levels of Healing in the Holy Spirit

Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother 318 N. 8th Street, Vandalia, IL, United States

Fr. Mark Bozada Fr. Bozada, a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Louis will lead this retreat.  Father Bozada has been referred to as “supersensory” and has had the experience of sensing and even seeing spirits since he was five or six. The gift developed as he encountered the demonic — including the smell of […]
