Happy Easter!
Yes, it is still Easter. Easter Sunday may have been three weeks ago but the Easter Season lasts 50 days so we should still be celebrating. Actually, we should be celebrating Easter 365 days of the year. Easter commemorates our redemption. Our Lord conquered death and rose, not for Himself but for us. We are the ones in need of redemption. No matter what happens in this world, the tragedies, the heartaches, the unreached hopes and dreams, we are still a joyful people. We are joyful because Christ died and redeemed us and set a place for us in heaven if we believe and follow His commands. We are here to become who God wants us to be. We are here to glorify him in our work, our relationships and in all of our actions. The trials that entered the world because of sin can deter us if we take our eyes off of the prize, which is unity with Christ in eternity. The angels have many roles but one role they all share is to keep their eyes and prayers on Christ. They never stop adoring, loving and worshipping.
Be Holy is our command. We can’t remain in prayer all day but we can live our lives as a prayer doing everything for the Glory of God.