Marie-Julie Jahenny The Breton Stigmatist

Marie-Julie Jahenny was born at Coyault, France in 1850, and died in 1941 at the age of 92. Throughout her life Marie-Julie lived as a victim soul, suffering the stigmata beginning at the age of 23.

During her life, she reported several apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ through which she received prophecies about the end of the world, the Great Catholic Monarch, punishment for the sins of the people, the destruction of Paris through civil war, the Three Days of Darkness, and the coming of the Antichrist.

During her lifetime, she experienced miraculous Holy Communions, miraculous fasting periods to where she lived on no other food but the Eucharist for several years, suffered supernatural attacks from the devil, and had the gift of prophecy and miracles.

In her apparitions, she was told to promote a Purple Scapular (Scapular of Benediction and Protection), which was to be displayed in homes and worn to provide protection during the End Times and the Three Days of Darkness.

67 pages


SKU MarieJulieJehennyTheBretonStigmatist Category


Marie-Julie Jahenny was born at Coyault, France in 1850, and died in 1941 at the age of 92. Throughout her life Marie-Julie lived as a victim soul, suffering the stigmata beginning at the age of 23.

During her life, she reported several apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ through which she received prophecies about the end of the world, the Great Catholic Monarch, punishment for the sins of the people, the destruction of Paris through civil war, the Three Days of Darkness, and the coming of the Antichrist.

During her lifetime, she experienced miraculous Holy Communions, miraculous fasting periods to where she lived on no other food but the Eucharist for several years, suffered supernatural attacks from the devil, and had the gift of prophecy and miracles.

In her apparitions, she was told to promote a Purple Scapular (Scapular of Benediction and Protection), which was to be displayed in homes and worn to provide protection during the End Times and the Three Days of Darkness.

67 pages

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.2 in

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