Beside the Holm Oak Tree

Hail Mary

What does it mean to you when you hear the words, Hail Mary?  Do you think, “oh yes, I know that prayer. I’ve said it so many times.  It honors Our Lady. “

To some people, they think, I used to say that a long time ago, when I was a kid. Or they may say, its something Catholics say. 

To the modern media, it’s something you say when an athlete attempts some last desperate act to score or win a game.  A quarterback will throw a long, high pass hoping against all odds that one of his teammates will be able to catch it and score at the last possible second.

The prayer itself can be a “Hail Mary” pass.  We ask Our Lady to pray for us now, but also at the hour of our death. So, in a way, we are asking for that last second “save” that will win for us, our ultimate goal; eternity.

At Fatima, the one request Mary asked of the children in all six appearances was to pray the rosary.  She asked them specifically. Unlike us, Mary does speak frivolously. 

In the scriptures, when she instructed the stewards to “Do whatever He tells you”, she was telling them to listen to Jesus and do whatever he says. When she says this she is speaking through the ages telling us also to “Do whatever He tells you”.

There are no idle requests from Mary. Through her Immaculate Conception, she does not sin in any way.  She is always within the Will of the Father.  So, when we pray for Mary to intercede for us, she will take our prayer and conform it to God’s

Will. Our prayers are always answered. They may be answered in the way we have formed them, but they are always answered according to the Will of God for the ultimate goodness of our salvation.

If the Blessed Mother appeared to you in person and said, “Say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and the end of the war” would you do it?

When we send up a “Hail Mary”, she always catches that last second pass. She assured the children in Fatima as she also assures us;

Are you suffering a great deal? Don’t lose heart. I will never forsake you. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God.”

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