Beside the Holm Oak Tree

Who’s in Charge Here, Anyway?

I was speaking to a friend and she remarked that her newlywed daughter was hesitating about having children. The daughter was of the opinion that she didn’t want to bring children into the world because everything was so bad.  Wow.  Talk about “fake news”.  Never mind the fact that she promised to be open to having children at her wedding.

Is everything really bad?  Catholcism has been persecuted since its beginnings.  St. Paul, then Saul, was persecuting the followers of Christ from the first days of the Church. Most of the first Apostles were martyred for their faith. From halfway through the second century for the next 100 years, Christians were persecuted. In the 7th Century on Christianity was attacked by Islamic Rule, the Muslims, in England, during the French Revolution, and also in China and Japan. In more modern times, the Church has been persecuted by the Ottoman Empire, in Mexico , Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. There were many instances of violence against Catholics in America with the “Know Nothing” party in the mid-nineteenth century who were deeply opposed to immigrants, especially Catholics. Early immigrants were routinely taken advantage of as laborers with terrible living conditions and little pay. 

There is no doubt that morality has taken a big down swing and little if anything is widely accepted as Truth. Times have been hard for the Church since Christ was crucified. But, those who currently rule and control the wealth of the world are not in charge.  

God is in charge. Young people, do not believe the gloom and doom of the world.  Whatever is being allowed by God at this time will ultimately be used for the salvation of souls and the greater good.  

FolIow Christ. He has assured us. “I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” John 16:33

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